Friday 25 December 2020

Christmas in the Heart

Christmas Day...almost over...and what a Christmas this has been...

Christmas season for the past few years had been time with the family back in Malaysia, then back to Singapore for Christmas events with the church family. With travel restrictions, Christmas season this year has been over Zoom, a quick half-hour chat with her parents and extended family on Christmas Eve instead of almost two-weeks of togetherness. With safe management measures, there were a couple of Christmas events, again over Zoom, instead of face-to-face meet-ups and even then, with no handshakes or hugs.

Yet, when the Swallow reflects on the changes that the pandemic brought with it, there is a measure of comfort. And hope. And joy. And peace. In the hustle and bustle of Christmas festivities, it was easy to lose sight of the real reason that Christmas celebrates...the birth of the Messiah who came to save a lost mankind. But now, when the hustle is gone and the bustle has slowed, it was a gentle reminder that Christmas is always in her heart...the Lord has come to save her and He is coming again! And that reason for Christmas will never change. Maranatha!