Thursday 23 September 2010

Pothos Plant

The Swallow was given a Pothos (Epipremnum Aureum) plant when one of her friends made a move to the USA.  The Pothos plant is a hardy plant.  Able to withstand both sunlit and shaded conditions, the Pothos plant is a fitting plant for the Swallow, whose connection with plants is still a work-in-progress.

When the Pothos plant was first given to the Swallow, it was a thriving plant.  Coping with growing children coupled with a growing demand of her time from various directions, the Swallow did not give the plant proper care.  Although the plant did not thrive, it did not die.  All that happened was that a few leaves turned brown when it was underwatered, then when it was watered, it put out new shoots.

However, over the years, the number of leaves that grew became less and less while the number of leaves that turned brown became more and more.  When the Swallow was finally able to channel some of her time to the care of plants, she realised that the Pothos plant was a shade of its original vigour.  It was time for some drastic measures...

Out of the pot came the remaining plants.  The roots were gently but thoroughly washed in water to remove all the soil, then all the plants were placed into a crystal trophy vase, received from the Swallow's mate's office (it was going to be thrown away!), with the intention of growing the plants in water.
Growing Pothos
(the one on the right) in water

Maybe the depth was too much, or maybe the plants had gone into a state of shock, but the Pothos plants started to drop their leaves.  Looking miserable in the now-too-huge-a-container, the Swallow decided to restart the planting experience with a smaller container.

As mentioned in a previous post, the Pothos plants are still around to this day, maybe a shade of its original glory, but on its way (hopefully) to recovery.

The Swallow hopes that in life, she will be as hardy as the Pothos plant, able to withstand some hardships and coming out stronger, and she will - for her faith and trust is in the One who is a far better caregiver, One who will always be there for her.

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