Sunday 30 January 2011

Saturday 29 January 2011


Chinese New Year (CNY), also known as the Lunar New Year, will be celebrated in a few days time.  Leading up to it, most Chinese households will be busy with their annual springcleaning.  The Swallow remembers the time in her youth when the whole family would be involved in the springcleaning, one way or another.  The music player would be switched on, and the family would be working alongside while humming or singing along with the music.

In the Swallow's own nest, springcleaning is more than an annual affair.  With more time on her hands, the Swallow will be found doing the springcleaning whenever there is a need.  Her young ones shudder whenever she is on the prowl.  "Do you need the books?  No?  Pass it on."  "Have you outgrown your clothes?  Yes?  Pass it on."  "Since I have not seen you touching those toys for a long time...please pass it on."  Having been on the receiving end of such items and having reaped the benefits and blessings of such kindness from friends and family, the Swallow wishes that her young ones would learn to share their blessings with others too.

Since springcleaning is a prelude to CNY, there is no better time than the present for the young ones to re-learn the lesson on out, young ones, mama is on the prowl again!

Pineapple Tarts

In her youth, there was a way the Swallow knew that Chinese New Year (CNY) was coming soon.  That was the time when her mother would marshal her and her siblings to bake cookies together.  There were Pinwheel Cookies, Kuih Bangkit and the siblings' favourite Pineapple Tarts.

Baking late into the night, the Swallow's mother would bake trays and trays of cookies.  Some were sold (a form of income for the stay-at-home-mom), some were given away as gifts during the CNY visitations, and the rest were happily enjoyed by the siblings.  These were special treats as in those days, cookies were considered a luxury, something to be enjoyed only during the festive periods.

As the Swallow loves pineapples (LOL!), she was quick to ask her mother for the Pineapple Tart recipe when she finally had her own nest and oven.  However, due to its time-consuming nature, the Swallow was not able to bake her own Pineapple Tarts until recently.
Pineapple Tarts

PINEAPPLE TARTS (makes about 80 tarts)

  • 500g plain flour
  • 250g cold butter
  • 2 eggs
  • pinch of salt
  • Pineapple Jam
Cooled Pineapple Jam

  1. Using a pastry cutter, mix flour, salt and butter together until crumbs develop.
  2. Add eggs, one at a time.  Mix until the pastry forms.
  3. Roll out the pastry on a flour-dusted table.  Cut out tart shapes using a 1 1/2 inch tart cutter.
  4. Fill the tarts with pineapple jam. 
  5. For decoration, add a little knob of pastry on top of the jam.
  6. Glaze with a mixture of 1 egg and 1 tbsp milk (optional).
  7. Tools for making Pineapple Tarts
    From left, clockwise:
    1 1/2 inch tart cutter,
    round cookie cutter & pincers 
  8. Bake at 180 degrees Celcius until the tarts are golden brown, about 15 minutes.
  • If a pastry cutter is not available, improvise with two knives held with a hand.
  • If a tart cutter is not available, use any similar-sized round cookie cutter (or even a glass!) and clip the edges of the tarts with pincers.
  • For freshness, keep the tarts in an airtight container.

Pineapple Jam

The Swallow can never say it enough...she loves pineapples!

Last year, she tried making Pineapple Tarts using store-bought pineapple paste.  Although it was a quicker alternative, the texture left much to be desired.  This year, the Swallow decided to make pineapple paste from fresh pineapples.  Besides Pineapple Tarts, this paste can also be used as a spread on bread and biscuits.

Even though this process took more time, the end result was a paste that was to one's desirability.  It also came with a sense of satisfaction when her mate and young ones tasted the jam and said it was yummy.  One of her young ones even wanted to eat it on its own!

Freshly cooked Pineapple Jam

Cooled Pineapple Jam

  • 2 large pineapples
  • 450g sugar
  • 2 pcs 1-inch cinnamon sticks
  1. Remove the tops, skin, eyes and the middle stem from the pineapples.  Cut the pineapples into chunks.
  2. Grate several pieces of the pineapples using a hand grater.  Separate the pineapple fibres from the juice using a fine-mesh sieve.  Set the juice aside.
  3. Put the remaining pineapple pieces into a blender.  Add the pineapple juice into the blender.  Blend using the pulse function for a few seconds.  Do not over-blend to avoid breaking down the fibres.  Again, separate the pineapple fibres from the juice using a fine-mesh sieve.  Allow the juice to drain well.  Set the juice aside.
  4. Place the pineapple fibres into a non-stick pot.  Add the cinnamon sticks.  Boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally until the pineapple fibres are semi-dry.
  5. Spread out the pineapple fibres in the pot.  Add the sugar.  Turn down the heat to low, and simmer until the sugar has melted.  Do not stir until all the sugar has melted.
  6. When the sugar has melted, use a pair of long chopsticks to stir the mixture.  The pineapple fibres would now be in a jammy consistency with a nice golden-brown colour (pictured right).  Allow to cool, then transfer the mixture into a suitable container.
  • Reduce the sugar content if the pineapples are naturally sweet.
  • If using this jam as a spread, use a glass container to keep the jam and place it into a fridge.  Eat up the jam as quickly as possible.
  • If using this jam in Pineapple Tarts, do not place it into the fridge.  Prepare the jam a day before or when ready to make the tarts (but make sure it has cooled thoroughly).
  • Add some syrup or honey into the set-aside juice for a refreshing pineapple drink.  Some chopped pieces of pineapple pieces may also be added.

Friday 28 January 2011

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Overcoming Selfishness in the Marriage Relationship

Selfishness comes naturally.  Also known as self-centredness, it is more evident in some people and less in others, but it is in everyone.  Even one who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ has to struggle with the selfishness that rears its ugly head when he does not yield to the Holy Spirit in him.  In the third session of "Better Homes and Marriages with the 5 Love Languages", this was what the Swallow and her coursemates learnt.

In a marriage, selfishness is usually the root cause to problems that surface in the relationship.  The unwillingness to put the other party's needs above one's own need, the reluctance to see the other's point of view, the seeking of one's right in, day out, year in, year out, these will cast a toll on the marriage relationship thus the increasing number of marriages breaking down.  Even marriage relationships between believers.

How can a couple avoid the road to divorce?  By overcoming selfishness in the marriage relationship.  But this leads to the next can a couple overcome selfishness?

Mark 9 : 33 - 35 (TEV)
They came to Capernaum, and after going indoors Jesus asked His disciples, "What were you arguing about on the road?"  But they would not answer Him, because on the road they had been arguing among themselves about who was the greatest.  Jesus sat down, called the twelve disciples, and said to them, "Whoever wants to be first must place himself last of all and be the servant of all."

In theory, most believers in the Lord Jesus Christ know this passage.  However, in practice, it is one of the more difficult passage to live out.  Moreso in a marriage relationship because one sees the sinful nature in the other party clearly.  Nothing stays hidden.  A joke was shared during the courtship, love is blind; in marriage, the eyes are opened!

To overcome selfishness in the marriage relationship, the couple has to first believe that only the Lord God can help them to do so, then commit themselves to do the following
  • on a daily basis, live, speak and relate to each other under the Lordship of Christ
  • resolve to let the Lord Jesus Christ, and not their emotions, be their guide
  • do a fearless daily check of actions and speech, and make necessary confessions to the Lord God and to each other
  • when wrong, admit frankly without excuses
  • when wrong, listen without arguing or putting up a defence
  • consistently be kind and thoughtful to each other
  • seek to look out for each other's needs instead of own needs
  • listen to each other regularly
  • make a good relationship with each other a top priority
  • remember how patient the Lord Jesus has been to them
How many of the above points can the Swallow and her coursemates say that they are doing?  Do they find it easy to overcome selfishness in their marriage relationships?  No!  No!  No!  For they are also sinful creatures with selfishness in them.  However, because they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is in them and when they yield themselves to the Holy Spirit, they will be able to overcome this selfishness in them with His help, wisdom and guidance.

May they learn to yield themselves to the Holy Spirit, and may the Lord God be praised when others see the beautiful marriage relationships they have!

Friday 21 January 2011

Home-Made Pineapple Jam

Home-Made Pineapple Jam
Click here to find out how you can make your own too!

Thursday 20 January 2011

Hot Broccoli Salad

Served with rice or noodles, this salad comes with sprinkles of toasted sesame seeds over a blend of broccoli and sliced button mushrooms in a hot wok.  With a slight tangy taste, this dish is a salad with a twist.

Hot Broccoli Salad

  • 1 broccoli head, about 300g, cut to bite-sized pieces
  • 200g button mushrooms, sliced
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped
  • 1 medium onion, sliced
  • juice of 1 orange mixed with enough hua tiow jiu to make 1/2 cup of mixture
  • 1 tbsp white sesame seeds, toasted
  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 1 tbsp oyster sauce
  • light soya sauce, to taste
  1. Heat oil in a wok over medium heat.  Add garlic and onion.  Stir-fry until onion is limp, about 3 minutes.
  2. Add broccoli and mushrooms.  Stir-fry for another 4 minutes.
  3. Add orange juice mixture.  Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.
  4. Add oyster sauce.  Adjust seasoning to taste with light soya sauce.  Mix well.
  5. Spinkle 1/2 tbsp sesame seeds over the vegetables.  Mix well.
  6. Turn off the fire, dish up and sprinkle the remaining sesame seeds over the vegetables.

Friday 14 January 2011


...let us go on to perfection...Hebrews 6 : 1 (NKJV)

PERFECTION by jadeswallow

When I sought to find perfection
I found it, Lord, when I looked on Thee
The perfect, spotless, sinless Lamb
The Son of God who died for me
The Father's well-beloved Son
Who sat at His right hand
You came to earth, Your glory laid
To pay the price for men.

The wages of sin, I cannot pay
The price of sin, You paid for me
Bearing my sin, my shame, my pain
The Father turned His eyes from Thee
Yet You said, "Father, forgive them,
For they know not what they do."
So I believe, I know it's true
I have found perfection - it's You.

Now in my life, I seek to be
More like You, day by day
Perfect I will never be
While on this earth I stay
Yet I will trust in You, my Lord
My Counsellor and my Guide
To help me through each brand new day
To be more perfect in every way.

Published in the Swallow's church newsletter (Jan-Feb 2013 issue), with her permission.  To God be the glory!

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Stir-Fried Chinese Spinach with Garlic

Stir-Fried Chinese Spinach with Garlic
Click here for a simple recipe that children can handle with minimal adult supervision.

Stir-Fried Ceylon Spinach with Garlic

Stir-Fried Ceylon Spinach with Garlic
Click here to read how you can make this simple dish.

Stir-Fried Vegetables with Garlic

The Swallow loves to eat vegetables. In salads; steamed and tossed with some simple seasoning; boiled with meat as a soup, or like today, stir-fried with some minced garlic.

Stir-Fried Ceylon Spinach
with Garlic


500 g green leafy vegetables, cleaned and cut into bite-sized pieces
3 cloves of garlic, minced (more if you love them!)
1 tbsp oil
a little water (if necessary)
1 tsp sea salt or to taste
  1. Heat the wok with the oil over a high fire, until the wok is smoking (this gives the 'wok hei' flavour to the dish).
  2. Add the garlic. Turn down the fire to medium high and stir-fry the garlic until aromatic.
  3. Add the cut vegetables and stir-fry continuously until they are limp.
  4. Sprinkle with a little water if necessary.
  5. Stir-Fried Chinese Spinach
    with Garlic
  6. Season with sea salt or to taste.

Hardier vegetables like broccoli may also be used, but parboil these in hot water for a couple of minutes before stir-frying them.

Monday 10 January 2011


Genesis 2 : 8 - 9a (NKJV)
The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.  And out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food.

Genesis 2 : 10a (NKJV)
Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden.

Genesis 2 : 15 (NKJV)
Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.

From the beginning of time, there was a garden.  There was a river to water it.  There was a man to tend and keep it.

In land-scarced Singapore, finding a home with a garden or a backyard is an expensive idea so the Swallow has to be contented with her little balcony-garden.  She may not be able to grow trees, but she is happy just growing plants in pots and all kinds of container.  Sometimes making do without soil, the greenery and the occasional flower bring her bursts of delight whenever she looks at them.

Sunday 9 January 2011

It's No Longer I That Liveth

With this year's annual retreat fresh in her mind, the Swallow found herself recalling a song taught by one of her Sunday School teachers when she was in her secondary school days.  In those days, putting scripture in songs was a popular way to learn God's words.  Many of the verses that the Swallow remembers nowadays stem from that period of time.

Dead But Alive!

Galatians 2 : 20 (NKJV)
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

This verse was instilled in the Swallow's heart, and that of fellow workers of the Lord, at their annual retreat held on the first day of this year.  The speaker reminded them that a Christian is one who lives outside himself ie he is in Christ.

The Christian worker's prime qualification is his position in Christ.  Positionally, a Christian has been made right before the Lord God by the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Once saved, always saved.  Practically, however, the dying of self is a day-to-day thing...and this, the Swallow (and most believers in Christ) will confess is the most difficult part.  The sinful nature is still within, and the dying of self is a daily struggle.

A Christian is like a runner in a race.  The runner has to, after signing up for the race, train his body to take the physical, mental and emotional demands made upon it.  He may have to forgo eating his favourite food, or avoid unnecessary physical stress on his body.  He will need to ensure that he gets adequate rest, and this may cause his social life to be on a limbo.  He has to deny self and focus on the race.
How does one move forward?  How does a Christian advance in his walk with the Lord Jesus Christ?  The speaker gave this interesting order for a person to advance, he has to make two moves - move his left leg forward, followed by his right leg (or vice versa).  If one moves only a leg, he remains at the same position.  Thus for the Christian, to advance in his race to follow after the Lord Jesus Christ, he has to make two moves - deny himself, and take up your cross - again and again.

Matthew 16 : 24 - 25 (NKJV)
Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.  For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it."

Yes, there is a constant struggle within.  Moreso when one truly desires to love the Lord with all his heart, soul, mind and strength. Self is always seeking to sit on the throne where the Lord God should be sitting instead.  Self is always seeking to glorify itself, "See? You can do it. Just believe in yourself." Self is always seeking to gratify itself, "Why are you working so hard? You need some time off. Take time to find yourself.  Why give way to others?  You have needs too.  Don't let others take advantage of you."  Such questions and statements creep into one's life on a regular basis.

Yet, that is what denial of self is.  Just look at the Lord Jesus Christ.  2 Corinthians 5 : 21 (NKJV), "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."

One of the Swallow's friends shared that whenever she prays for patience with her young ones, her young ones would be sure to 'act up' the next few days.  Similarly, when the Swallow asks for wisdom from the Lord God, more often than not there would be challenges strewn along her path to find God's wisdom.  Does that mean one should stop praying for such virtues?

Of course not!  A runner does not stop his training if his goal is to reach the finishing line in style.  So too the Christian.  The thorns in a Christian's life is his training ground.  Just like the apostle Paul, in 2 Corinthians 12 : 8, who pleaded with the Lord three times that the thorn in his flesh depart from him, there will be thorns in a believer's life.  Yet Paul went on to write in verse 9 and 10, 'And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."  Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake.  For when I am weak, then I am strong.'  And this same grace will be sufficient for the Swallow and others with thorns in their flesh.

With these insights fresh in her thoughts, followed by her personal reflections, may the Swallow and all believers of the Lord Jesus Christ continue to advance in their walk to follow after Him.  May He be the central figure in their lives - the One who will sit upon the throne in their lives.  May they hold on to this precious promise...

2 Corinthians 4 : 7 - 12 (NKJV)
But we have this treasure in earthern vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.  We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed - always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.

May the Lord Jesus use these vessels to glorify Him, and Him alone!

Friday 7 January 2011


Breadcrumbs are usually used as a coating to give a crisp texture to fried meat.  They can also be used in meat patties or meat loaf recipes.

Although it is easily found in local supermarkets, it is just as easy to prepare breadcrumbs unless a larger amount is required.

To make 60g of breadcrumbs, toast 2 slices of bread in a bread toaster or a toaster oven for about 2-3 minutes.  Mill, using the pulse function, for about 1 minute. Shake the mill occasionally to remove crumbs that may have coated its blades. Continue to use the pulse function until the required coarseness is acquired.

Hamburger Patties

The Swallow's attempt to make her own hamburger patties using beef mince, onions, eggs and home-made breadcrumbs proved to be an instant hit with her family.  Topped with a mushroom sauce, and served with garlic bread and baked corn cobs, the complete meal was on the dinner table in less than an hour.

The next time she dishes this up for a meal, her young ones will be roped in as well since the recipe is a simple one and the young ones will have fun forming their own patties.



500g beef mince
2 medium-sized onions, chopped
60g breadcrumbs or two slices of bread, cut into cubes
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp sugar
1 1/2 tsp ground white pepper
2 eggs
2 tbsp butter
  1. Mix the beef, onions, breadcrumbs (or bread cubes), salt, sugar, pepper and eggs.
  2. Take a handful of the mixture and shape it into a patty.  Using a finger, press gently in the center of the patty (this is to avoid having the patty bump up in the center when it is cooked). Repeat this step until mixture is used up.
  3. Heat butter in a frying pan till bubbling.  Shallow fry the patties for about 4 - 6 minutes (less time if patties are smaller), turning over the patties midway during the cooking process.
  • Serve with buns and salad for a complete burger meal.
  • Mushroom sauce may be used to complement the patties.
  • After step 2, extra patties may be frozen. Fully thaw them in the fridge before proceeding with step 3.

Sunday 2 January 2011

Hello 2011

Two days into the new year, there is already a sense of challenge and anticipation in the air.

This morning in Sunday School, there were six newcomers and this was just for the juniors section!  In a space-challenged environment, this is a challenge.  Finding believers who are willing to commit several years of their lives to the care and encouragement of these scholars, both new and existing, so that they return week after week, is another.  There is also the challenge to address hearts that can so easily be swayed away from seeking God.

Yet there is anticipation.  Anticipation in what the Lord God can do when teachers and scholars put Him as the main priority in their lives.  Anticipation as the Swallow and her fellow teachers wait to see how the Lord will work in circumstances that are beyond them.

Yes, the Swallow and her fellow teachers await the new year and all it brings with trust in the Lord God to provide - grace that is sufficient for them, wisdom that confounds men, and strength even when they are weak.

Press on!