Monday 1 August 2011

Anna and the Black Tie Affair

Anna loved happy endings.  In movies, the sight of a knight rushing to the rescue of his damsel-in-distress, while defeating the villain victoriously, often drew a sigh from her.  Stories where the hero overcome all odds to find his true love were always preferred.

One day, one of the King's subjects threw a grand wedding for his son.  Out of love for a fellow subject yet blissfully clueless, Anna and her husband accepted the invitation to the 'Black Tie' affair.  A day before the event, they realized their error of being ignorant - what 'Black Tie' really meant, where the hotel was actually located, and what class of hotel it was - a quick shopping spree was in order!

Anna and her husband were grateful that their King saw their need even before they knew it...the store had a of their friends lent a suit...and they were ready to go...

On the night of the event, complete with a Prince Charming and a gown, but minus the fairy godmother, the pumpkin and the glass slippers (just a wonderful King, a taxi and solid high heels), Anna felt like Cinderella.  Dazzled by the glitter and surrounded by cheerful fellow subjects, she and her husband basked in the glow of love.

Past midnight, Anna and her husband reached home.  Happy to have experienced the stuff of her dreams, Anna was contented to live happily ever after with her very own Prince Charming, under the always-watchful eyes of her King.

Read more of Anna's adventures

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