Thursday 16 February 2012

Recycling - Reuse, Reduce, Refuse

In the beginning, "God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good." (Genesis 1 : 31a, NKJV).  However, "very good" is not a term that can be used to describe earth today.  That is the effect of sin - "Cursed is the ground for your sake; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life.  Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, and you shall eat the herb of the field." (Genesis 3 : 17b - 18, NKJV).

Earth will only continue to its final destruction.  John, the beloved disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ prophesied "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away." (Revelation 21 : 1a, NKJV).

Yes, the first earth will soon pass away but its departure should not be hasten.  Thus, the Swallow does her part in being environmental-friendly.  She recycles - by reusing, reducing and refusing.

Reuse - using old stuff in different ways
  • cooking oil which needs to be thrown away can be stored in an old plastic bottle then disposed.  A fine way to reuse that plastic bottle, keep your kitchen sink from clogging, use less plastic bags, and make less of a mess.  Just make sure that the used cooking oil has cooled to room temperature.
  • line dustbins with plastic bags.  Save money at the same time.
  • the Swallow's mom had often cut off the wearable parts from clothes with enough stains to deem them 'unwearable', and reused the wearable parts to fashion a quilt or children's pyjamas.
  • wrap unsanitary items with newspapers before disposal.
Reduce - removing clutter from the nest
  • don't buy anything on offer unless it is a need.
  • must there be another set of cookware, dishware, etc to be used only for guests?
  • must a broken item be replaced by the purchase of another?  There may be something in the nest that can be used instead.
  • pass on children's toys, books and furniture to newer parents.  The same for old-but-still-in-good-condition clothes.  Young ones grow so quickly.  The Swallow's family was a beneficiary of such goodwill when her young ones were toddlers.
  • donate to charity organisations that accepts old-but-still-in-good-condition items.
  • sell to shops that buy second-hand items.  Receipts of first-hand purchases may be required.
  • reduce the use of disposable items as much as possible.
Refuse - no, thank you!
  • say no to extra plastic bags.  Bring along a shopping bag.  The Swallow applauds some departmental stores that have made the move to reward shoppers who bring their own bags, or charge those who chose to use plastic bags.
  • politely reject those who wants to pass on their old-but-still-in-good-condition items if there is no need.  Better to refuse honestly, than accept grudgingly and then complaining behind the giver's back!

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