Friday 2 March 2012

Turning That Switch On

During the Swallow's growing years in Malaysia, there were many times when her parents had invited friends to their home for a meal.  On one such occasion, midway through the dinner, there was a sudden blackout which had affected all the houses along the road and in the surrounding area.  Although it was sudden, the blackout was not an unusual occurrence, and going by whatever little light was available, the young ones were told not to move while the older ones hunted for the candles, torches and matches that had been set aside for such an emergency.  The highlight of such an event was the lighting of an old-fashioned oil lamp that had usually sat on the display cabinet.

A house may have its lights lit by a power source, but it will not stay lit if the power source is faulty.

In that same home, there was a certain light which hung from the high ceiling.  It had several bulbs extending from it and when it was turned on, its brilliance was a source of delight for the Swallow and her siblings.  They called it "their chandelier".  Yet, the Swallow and her siblings were not allowed to turn this light on without permission.  Due to its high consumption of electricity at each usage, it remained more as a display item than what it was meant to be used for.

A house may have many lights in it, but it will remain dark unless the power source is turned on.

Two weeks ago, during the lecture part of the BSF, the Swallow was reminded of the Holy Spirit's work in a believer's life.  From the day she had believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, as promised in His word, the Holy Spirit came to dwell in her life, illuminating her life and her walk in the Lord.

Psalm 119 : 105 (NKJV)
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

With the Holy Spirit's help, the Swallow's life should be victorious, overcoming the challenges found at every corner and milestone in life.  This never-failing, never-faulty power source was and is there 24/7, always ready to help, lead and guide yet over the years, there were many times when she had lived a disquieted, dispirited and depressive life instead - times when she had forgotten to turn on the switch.

As she continues in her study into the Book of Acts, it is the Swallow's prayer that she may live a life like those of the Apostles, glorifying the Lord God with their lives - in what they said, in what they did.

Let's turn on the switch!

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