Tuesday 1 May 2012

A New Gadget

The Swallow is writing this post from her new iPad.

The new gadget came under the guise of an early Mother's Day gift cum Father's Day gift. It had taken them all this time since the first iPad was launched before making a decision. It was only after witnessing the many uses of the iPad which far outweighed their fears that they took the plunge of getting one.

There were many missed opportunities for writing over the past couple of months when deep thoughts came at odd moments. Moments when she was doing the laundry. Moments when the desktop computer was switched off. Moments of busyness which kept her from logging into her blog. Maybe with a software called Pages installed into her new gadget, these missed opportunities will be of the past? Let's wait and see...

When this new gadget was bought, guess who were the more excited ones in the nest? The young ones of course! Their excitement was only slightly dimmed when they realised that their access to this gadget was bound by limits and parental permission. Will they be distracted with this gadget in the months ahead? The Swallow and her mate hope that by looking to their Lord God for help and wisdom, this will not happen...

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