Saturday 25 December 2010

An Introduction to Christmas

The Swallow's first Christmas experience was when she was at a school-going age.  The Swallow's Ah Mah had brought her to stay overnight with one of Ah Mah's sisters.  Not long after dropping off to sleep, her Ah Mah woke her up.  Realizing that everyone in the house was awake as well, the Swallow got out of bed and saw that it was just past midnight.  A sense of excitement and wonder filled her.

The Swallow's eyes darted here and there as she watched the adults hurrying around her, busy with some food preparation.  The Swallow thought, "Food preparation?  In the middle of the night?  What was going to happen?"

Suddenly, the adults stopped all that they were doing and gathered near the entrance to the house.  Then Ah Mah told the Swallow to sit on the staircase to the upper storey so that she could see better.  Again the Swallow thought, "What was she going to see?"

Everyone hushed.  The Swallow hushed as well.

Then music filled the air.  Quiet music that streamed through the doors.  Sweet music that told of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Ah Mah had, by then, brought the Swallow to Sunday School, and she had heard many stories of the Lord Jesus.  There were stories of the first Christmas ever.  There were stories of the wonders and miracles the Lord Jesus had performed while He was on earth.  There were also stories of traditions that some Christians observe when they celebrate Christmas.  The Swallow was filled with delight when she realised that she had been given a chance to observe one such tradition - listening to some Christmas carolers.

After the carolers had left, the Swallow went back to bed.  Lying in bed, she thought again of all that had happened that special night.  She remembered the joy she had seen reflected in the carolers' faces as they sang with all their hearts.  Just before dropping off to sleep (again), she wished with all her heart that she would have a chance to be a caroler too!

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