Tuesday 12 June 2012

The Lord is Faithful!

Every year, the Swallow's church would hold a Bible camp.  Away from the hustle of city life - its attractions and distractions - the church would spend a week together learning from God's Word and from each other.  There would be food, fun and fellowship.
Sunrise in Batam

Prior to coming over to Singapore, the Swallow had attended similar camps with her church in Malaysia.  A popular destination then was Highlands Christian Centre in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia.  In the early nineties, the Swallow's first Bible Camp with her current church was also held at the same location.  Over the years however, other venues were chosen to cope with a growing church.

One night last year, the Swallow's mate came home after a camp committee meeting with details of the 2012 camp.  The chosen camp theme was "Solitude with the Lord" based on Mark 6 : 31 (NIV), "He said to them, "Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest"".  Her mate brought home other news as well...the Swallow was one of the choices as children's teacher for the camp.  When she realised that he was not joking, her first reaction was "No way."  A few questions later, when she was told that she was the fourth choice, she actually prayed, "Please let one of the first three choices say yes."
Over the next few days, while spending quiet moments with her Lord, thoughts of "What will you do if none of the three says yes?" and "Will you obey?" came repeatedly.  Messages given over the pulpit underlined these thoughts.  These were days of struggle.  Even when she had received the invitation via email a couple of weeks later, she continued to struggle with the Lord just like a reluctant child.
When finally she heeded His call with her mate's blessings, the struggles persisted.  Feelings of inadequacy and willingness to depend on the Lord fought with each other.  Moments of taking courage from the Lord fought with fear of the unknown.

The camp was initially planned to be in Malacca, Malaysia in the second week of June.  Due to some complications, the venue had to be changed to Batam View Resort in Indonesia, and it would only be available a week earlier.  The timing could not be any worse.  The Swallow's young ones were expected to return to school that first week of June for preparatory work for the major exams that they would be taking at the end of the year.  Her older young one too had to take his Science Practical Assessment (SPA) during that week and would not be able to attend the church camp. The Swallow and her mate assessed that the young one was not quite ready to be on his own for a whole week without adult supervision, and thus her mate would give the camp a miss and stay with the young one.  What should the Swallow do?  Her thought was that if she was to be an effective teacher, she would need her mate's emotional support and physical presence.  Should she quit?

It was a learning journey.  The gentle Lord had to patiently teach the Swallow, yet again, to trust and obey.  She had to be reminded that her strength and any effectiveness come from the Lord alone.  Not from her mate.

Her trust in the Lord and her obedience to His will were not in vain.  Her younger young one's preparatory work was reduced to a week in school (the last week of May) due to some construction work in her school.  Her older young one's SPA was brought forward twice, and he and his father were able to join the camp from the second day.  The Lord is faithful!

There were many occasions when the Lord proved Himself faithful - again and again.  Once, the Swallow had cried out to Him for craft ideas.  What to do?  Where to start?  That same day, a sister-in-the-Lord sent an sms saying that she had several craft books the Swallow could borrow for reference. When that sister brought the craft books to her, there were at least 16 of them!

Another time, the Lord moved another sister-in-the-Lord to ask whether the Swallow needed help with the Art & Craft part of the children's programme.  By then, the Swallow had given thought to the logistics of travelling to Batam and was considering scrapbooking as the children's craft.  This sister-in-the-Lord replied that she was into scrapbooking...she even had a portable mini printer for the photos!

It was a learning journey.  The teacher must first be taught before she could teach.  There were many moments the Swallow learnt to rest in the One who knows the future.  There were many more moments the Swallow learnt to depend on the One who provides for the unknown.  A song leader.  More helpers.  Creative ideas.  Good weather for outdoor programmes.

STILL (author unknown)

Hide me now, under Your wings
Cover me, within Your mighty hands
When the oceans rise and thunder roars
I will soar with You, above the storm
Father, You are King over the flood
I will be still - know You are God.

Find rest, my soul, in Christ alone
Know His power, in quietness and trust
When the oceans rise and thunder roars
I will soar with You, above the storm
Father, You are King over the flood
I will be still - know You are God.

Camp is over, but the learning journey continues...

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