Friday 28 December 2012

End of the World

About a week ago, the world around the Swallow had been abuzz with news about the end of the world.  Apparently, it had been predicted in ancient history records that the end of the world would happen on 21 December 2012.

Was the Swallow caught up with the doomsday messages that had filtered through?

Definitely not!  Her hope was in the blessed return to her heavenly home and that is something she is still looking forward to.  So instead of sitting around waiting for the end of the world, the Swallow had been busy preparing for the arrival of her family from Malaysia.  It would be the Swallow's and her mate's turn to host the family's Christmas dinner in Singapore, and the last few days had been full of activities...wrapping gifts, catching up with her family, playing with her nieces and nephew, and most memorable of all, spending Christmas Day with her spiritual family, remembering the real reason for Christmas - the celebration of her Lord's first coming more than 2000 years ago, and the joyous anticipation of his return again one day.

Now Christmas time in year 2012 has come and gone.  The family has returned home to Malaysia.  It has been proven that the ancient historical records had made a wrong calculation.

So when will the end of the world actually be?  The Swallow does not know, but she rests in the knowledge that her Heavenly Father knows.  Thus, in less than a week, when the year 2012 will also be history, the Swallow will greet a new year with joy, hope and peace.

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