Friday 20 September 2013

Pre-Marital Counselling

Clearing her old files, the Swallow came across a collection of six paper clippings.  Each of these clippings were a test of some sort, with questions on them, some more than others.  They brought back sweet memories.

When the Swallow and her mate had first considered marriage, they were strongly encouraged to attend pre-marital counselling.  Together with another two couples who were also getting married around the same time, they had to take a 'test' each week.  Without letting their partner see, each individual had to write their answer down.  When the answers were revealed, each couple was able to see how well they knew each other.

Did the Swallow fare well?  Nope!  Many wrong answers...there was much laughter for she was not alone. The marriage counsellor had been quick to point out that getting all the answers right does not mean the marriage would be better.  It was more important to be committed to the relationship, and to have the Lord God as the center of the relationship.

a) What is the favourite pastime of your partner?
b) What is your favourite pastime?
c) List five things liked and three things disliked by your partner.
d) List five things you like and three things you dislike.

a) What was your partner's best moment before you met?
b) What was your best moment before you met your partner?
c) List three things you like your partner to do more often.
d) List three things you think your partner likes you to do more often.

a) What one thing you have done most annoy your partner?
b) What one thing your partner has done most annoy you?
c) List three things your partner does that please you.
d) List three things you do which please your partner.

a) What are the favourite scriptural verses of your partner?
b) What are your favourite scriptural verses?
c) In what three ways do you like your partner to let you know you are appreciated?
d) List three ways in which your partner likes you to let him / her know that he / she is appreciated.

a) List three expectations you have of your partner in your marriage relationship.
b) List three expectations your partner will have of you in the marriage relationship.

List two of your happiest memories in your relationship since you met.

Now as she looks at the questions again, she wonders if her answers would be any different from the last time she took the tests...

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