Wednesday 24 December 2014

It's Almost Christmas

Just a day till Christmas...

IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS by jadeswallow

It's almost Christmas - let us be still
It's not about our presents, but peace and goodwill
It's not merely about family, but God's relation to man
He sent His own begotten Son to bring salvation's plan.

It's almost Christmas - please stop for a while
To wonder at this plan, and ponder with a smile
That God, the Almighty, should even consider us
When He created the world and the whole universe.

It's almost Christmas - let us, with joy,
Remember the angels, the shepherds, but mainly the Boy
Remember the wise men, gentle Mary and faithful Joseph
But mostly the loving Saviour who came down to serve.

It's almost Christmas, let us look up
As we feast, as we dine, or as we sup
He's coming again - this was and is His promise
Let us be ready - it could be this Christmas!

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