Monday 7 June 2010

Easy-Stain Remover

A couple of days back, the Swallow used a piece of Corningware to heat up some food.  Due to a probable higher heat than was required, the sauce left a stain on the pot with some burnt food residue.

To rid the stain, the Swallow filled the pot with some water and liquid detergent, and left the soapy water in the pot overnight.  However, this did not work.

What was the Swallow going to do?

The Swallow had heard of baking soda (aka sodium bicarbonate or bicarbonate of soda) being used to remove stains from the toilet bowl (yet-to-be tried and tested).  So the Swallow thought to herself, "Why not try the same idea on the pot?"

You guessed it.  It worked wonderfully!

Just boil a little water in the stained pot, add a little baking soda, wait for the reaction between the two, then scrub away with a non-abrasive sponge, or in the Swallow's case, use a chopstick and gently poke at the burnt food residue.  Be careful!  Remember that the pot and water are hot.

If this idea works on other materials as well, please keep the Swallow posted...

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