Monday 7 June 2010

I Believe God

Some time ago, the Swallow was looking up in the internet for the song "I believe God is real", hoping to find a recording of the song.  This song is one of her many favourites.

Although she was unable to find any recording of that song, in the course of her search, she discovered another song titled "I believe God" by Brian Free & Assurance.  If you believe too in that same Lord God as the Swallow's, when you read the lyrics or listen to the song, you may be able to understand why the song has become one of the Swallow's favourites...

I BELIEVE GOD by Brian Free & Assurance

Some place their trust in the wisdom of another
Some search for light in the dark
But like a child, I have come with simple faith
In the only One who can change my heart.

I believe God
I believe His Word is true
For I’ve seen what He can do
When I call upon His name
I believe God
So let the world say what they will
I will choose to serve Him still
Knowing He will never change
I believe God.

Some say that life is the only thing that matters
Some say we live then we die
But I’m convinced that eternity awaits
So with every breath, I will testify…

I believe God
I believe His Word is true
For I’ve seen what He can do
When I call upon His name
I believe God
So let the world say what they will
I will choose to serve Him still
Knowing He will never change
I believe God.

So for this world He gave His only Son to die
And I cry…

I believe God
I believe His Word is true
For I’ve seen what He can do
When I call upon His name
I believe God
I believe His Word is true
For I’ve seen what He can do
When I call upon His name
I believe God
So let the world say what they will
I will choose to serve Him still
Knowing He will never change
I believe God
I believe God
I believe God.

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