Thursday 16 September 2010

A Matter of Perspective

As the Swallow was walking one of her young ones to school this morning, the young one started the conversation rolling...

Young One (YO) : Mama, are the days getting longer?
The Swallow : (not really knowing...) Looks like they are getting shorter.  At this time yesterday, the sky was actually brighter.  Maybe the sun has changed its direction.
YO : But Mama, I thought it should be the earth that changes its direction?  The earth moves around the sun, right?

The Swallow's young one was right, wasn't she?  It is the earth that orbits around the sun and not the other way around.  This scenario expresses the Swallow's life perfectly (and that of other Christians too), where the central figure is and should be Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the One who gave up heaven's glory for her and the rest of the world.

When the sun is not seen, when clouds cover the sun in the sky, it is not that the sun has disappeared.  It is still there.  It is just hidden temporarily from men's sight.  When the clouds break apart, the sun in all its glory will shine through again.

When there are troubles in the Swallow's life, or when she is besieged by problems after problems, His presence is still with her.  She may lose her focus temporarily to look at the problems instead, but the Lord Jesus has never and will never leave her because He has promised and He is faithful.  He is still with her.  He will carry her through the storms of life.  He has not and will not disappear from her life.  Once saved, always saved.

The problems, the crisis, are like the clouds in the sky.  They need to be broken apart, and the Swallow is glad that her faith in her Lord God is the tool which would break the 'clouds of problems' apart.  Then, God's radiance and glory will shine through.

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