Friday, 17 September 2010

The Works of a Leader

In the sixth session of "Biblical Principles for Leading with Love", it was mentioned that the works or actions of a good leader fell into two areas ie what one knows, and what one does.  What one knows would be his abilities, skills and biblical knowledge.  What one does would be his commitment, competence and compassion.

Salvatian is by faith, in the Lord Jesus Christ, alone.  Good works will not save.  However, good works are indications of true belief in the Lord Jesus.  As Jesus said in John 15 : 5 (NIV), "I am the vine; you are the branches.  If a man remains in me, and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

So how is a Christian's work different from that of one who is not a Christian?  For the Christian, it would and should be done for God's glory and honour.  Any praise that comes would and should be redirected to the Lord God.  The Lord God is the One who has granted the Christian the abilities, skills, knowledge (biblical or otherwise), commitment, competence and compassion in his various areas of service.

The session also gave the Swallow and her coursemates a chance to look at the differences between the wisdom received from God, and man's wisdom.  In the Christian ministry and service, there is always a danger that one may resort to worldly wisdom instead of looking to the Lord God for His wisdom.

It was noted that the Lord Jesus Christ did not limit His contact with people.  He welcomed all who sought after Him, from little children to those whom the righteous leaders in those times termed as sinners.  Following in the steps of the Lord they serve, the Christian and the church need to
  • be united and exalt the Lord together, giving themselves completely to Him in the actions and attitudes of life that they may truly be worshippers in spirit and in truth.
  • follow the instructions of the Lord Jesus, with the power of God the Spirit, as laid down in Matthew 28 : 19, 20 and Acts 1 : 8.
  • build up and encourage fellow believers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
No, the Christian's work is never done.  As long as he is still earth-bound, he will need to work for his Lord and his Master.  As the Swallow has heard on numerous occasions, there is no retirement in the Christian's work.  Maybe a different area of service, maybe a change of ministry, maybe another calling, but no retirement.  So it is a long journey for believers in Christ, for only when they are at the gates of heaven will their work on earth be done.

May the Swallow, her coursemates, and other fellow believers in the Lord Jesus be continually encouraged to press on in their work to bring glory and honour to the One they serve.  How wonderful it is that their Lord and Master is the One who will equip them with the tools they will need for His work.  All they need to do is to look to Him.

Philippians 4 : 13 (NKJV)
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

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