Sunday 2 January 2011

Hello 2011

Two days into the new year, there is already a sense of challenge and anticipation in the air.

This morning in Sunday School, there were six newcomers and this was just for the juniors section!  In a space-challenged environment, this is a challenge.  Finding believers who are willing to commit several years of their lives to the care and encouragement of these scholars, both new and existing, so that they return week after week, is another.  There is also the challenge to address hearts that can so easily be swayed away from seeking God.

Yet there is anticipation.  Anticipation in what the Lord God can do when teachers and scholars put Him as the main priority in their lives.  Anticipation as the Swallow and her fellow teachers wait to see how the Lord will work in circumstances that are beyond them.

Yes, the Swallow and her fellow teachers await the new year and all it brings with trust in the Lord God to provide - grace that is sufficient for them, wisdom that confounds men, and strength even when they are weak.

Press on!

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