Wednesday 21 September 2011

Solitude With the Lord


These six alphabets can be used to form two words...

The first word is L I S T E N.

The second word is S I L E N T.

When these anagrams were brought to her attention two weeks ago during a BSF session, the Swallow was amazed how applicable it was for her, as a order to listen to the Holy Spirit's still small voice, she needs to constantly seek time to be silent before the Lord, to spend time in solitude with Him, to be still and know that He is God.  In the busy moments of her life, it is easy to get caught up with the hustle and bustle, and leave solitude with her Lord a lesser priority.

In an advancing society and technological setting like Singapore, quiet moments are few or rare unless one actively seeks to find them.  For a homemaker like the Swallow, there are many things that can snatch away such quiet moments of precious time with the Lord.  That pile of laundry waiting to be washed, dried and folded.  Planning the menu and shopping for groceries.  The vacuuming.  Toilets to be washed.  Mate or young ones needing help.  Exercise.  Gardening.  Answering calls or emails.  Even writing blog posts!  The list can be endless...

It was a good reminder.

On the Sunday following that Tuesday, not realising that it was September 11th, the Swallow requested the children in her Sunday School to memorize at least the first verse from the following passage...

Psalm 46 : 1 - 3 (NKJV)
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its dwelling. (Selah)

When asked by the children what 'Selah' meant, she explained that it was an indication to pause or to stop, and to reflect on the words, and understand what they meant. (Note from a Bible Dictionary: Selah is a word of frequent occurence in Psalms, and supposed to mean an interlude in vocal music.)

When she requested the children to give examples of the disasters as mentioned in the passage, and one of them shouted '911', only then did she remember the date and realised how significant it was.  A day later, one of the local newspapers also carried the news that United States President Barack Obama had read Psalm 46 from the Bible at the 9/11 memorial service.

"Thank You, Lord.  You are my Faithful God.  Always caring for me.  Constantly reminding me to look to You, the Sovereign One who is in control, and I need nor fear disasters that happen around me, because my trust is in You alone.  Thank You, Lord.  You are my Gentle Shepherd.  Always looking out for me.  Constantly keeping watch over this sheep that is prone to wander off the paths that You want me to go.  Picking me up and carrying me in Your arms when I am hurting, bewildered, and feeling lost and alone.  You deserve my praise, my Heavenly Father.  Thank You, thank You, thank You."

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