Friday 4 November 2011

Another Tower?

In the early days, the whole earth had one language and one speech.  Then men decided to build a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens because they wanted to keep themselves from being scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.  But the Lord saw their plans and what they were doing.  He confused their language, caused them to be scattered abroad over the face of all the earth, and the building of the tower with its city ceased.  Its name was called Babel.  (See Genesis 11 : 1 - 9)

Precisely what the people had wanted to avoid.

The Lord Jesus told a parable of a certain rich man who had yielded plentifully.  The rich man had thought to pull down his existing barns and build bigger barns to store his yields, and had praised himself for having done well.  But that night he died.  All his plans came to nought.  (See Luke 12 : 16 - 21)

Precisely what the rich man would have wanted to avoid.

King Nebuchadnezzar, of ancient Babylon, had been warned in a dream of the consequences he would face if he took pride in his works.  A year later, while he was walking in his royal palace, he saw how great Babylon had become, and claimed the glory of it for himself.  He was still speaking when all that had been warned to him was fulfilled.  (See Daniel 4)

Precisely what King Nebuchadnezzar could have avoided.

The Lord God has given the modern world the full canon of Scripture with passages as these, to warn its people of the consequences of worshipping themselves, of being self-sufficient, and of claiming glory which rightfully belongs to the Sovereign Lord.

So many warnings from the pages of God's Word.  Yet looking at current news events, the Swallow wonders whether men have been trying to build more towers of Babel.

Precisely what the modern world should avoid?

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