Tuesday 1 November 2011

Reflections on Isaiah

Today is Sharing Day.

After thirty lessons, the study on the book of Isaiah was completed last week.  For the past few sessions, the BSF teaching leader had been encouraging the women to come forward to share, what they have learnt, on Sharing Day.

The Swallow started the study on Isaiah on a high note.  In her post "The LORD is salvation", she wrote that she was looking forward to the study.  Along the way, however, there were many times when she was tempted to give up the study.  These were the times when she was struggling within herself, when her trust in her Lord was tested again and again, when self reared its ugly head.  These were the times of woe...

Isaiah 5 : 21 (NIV)
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.

Someone once said that trials can either bring one to the Lord God, or they can draw one away from Him.  Thanks be to the Lord!  Unwilling as she was to give up on One who has proven Himself trustworthy, she clung to Him in her times of fear, her times of worry, her times of longsuffering.  Through it all, He brought peace and comfort to her soul, ministering to her through His Word in the hours of need.  He reminded her of His faithfulness to His chosen people, their sin notwithstanding.  He reminded her that He was the Sovereign One.  He reminded her of the hope that was before her, when the Lord Jesus will return again to take her back to be with Him in heaven.

Reading the notes helped too...

"There is nothing that prepares a person better for facing times of crisis and tragedy than getting a clear vision of who God is and what His person and works are compared to the frightening issues of the day." - Lesson 5

"How much do you enjoy God Himself apart from His blessings?" - Application question for Lesson 10

"God's people, when facing global or personal crises, were to think in a radically different way from the world around them.  God, who revealed Himself to them, was to be their refuge, and they must humbly trust Him." - Lesson 11

"No one and nothing can thwart Him and His will.  Remember who He is and take courage!  God is sovereign and all powerful while circumstances are temporary and transient; and God is in control of all of them too!" - Lesson 18

"Those who know and trust the true God can look to the future with courage and confidence, not because they see every detail of its landscape, or because they can control it, but because the God of the universe, who cares for them, has it perfectly under His rule." - Lesson 21

"Those who know God pray to God in the awareness of His compassionate character and complete power, remembering His past and present kindness, confessing their unworthiness but asking in confidence for renewal that brings Him honour." - Lesson 29

It is finished.  The study is done.  The Swallow has completed it.  Not through her own strength, but through Him who is her "refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." (Psalm 46 : 1, NKJV)

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