Thursday 21 October 2010

Better Homes & Marriages with the 5 Love Languages

A couple, with grey hair and wrinkle-lined faces, walks with their hands linked together, supporting each other as they take slow steps along the path.  Occasionally, one of them makes a remark and it is returned with a loving glance and a touch of a smile.  Back at their home, they converse together on topics close to their heart.  At each moment, one can witness the love, comfort, companionship and joy that they share together.

Just a dream?  A fairy tale?  Something one may watch in a movie?  In a world that is filled with so much news of celebrity couples going through a divorce or a time of separation, it would seem that the above scenario is just that - a make-believe scenario.  Yet, with trust in her Lord God, this is the future that the Swallow hopes to realise, if the Lord God so blesses her and her mate with a long life together.

With this hope for the future, the Swallow is willing to learn - from the Word of God, from others or from books written by like-minded authors.  Videos, when useful and available, is also a welcomed resource.  So it was a delight for the Swallow when she heard that her mate had enrolled them, early this month, in a course called "Better Homes & Marriages with the 5 Love Languages", organised by their local church.

The condensed course, of eight sessions, has two parts for each session.  The first part would be spent discussing some of the views raised by Jean Gibson (aka O J Gibson) in his book "Better Homes and Marriages" while the second part would be spent viewing a series of video clips from Gary Chapman's "The Five Love Languages".

Topics covered under "Better Homes and Marriages" are
Topics covered under "The Five Love Languages" are
  • Learning to speak love languages
  • Words of affirmation
  • Quality time
  • Receiving gifts
  • Acts of service
  • Physical touch
  • Growing in love

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