Thursday 18 February 2010

Chilli Plant Experiment

The first attempt at planting chilli plants, from seeds, mid last year was a disaster. Just threw the seeds in, forgot to water at times so the soil dried up, etc..

However, since the Swallow's one of many mottos is "Don't quit", well, she tried again late October last year.  This time, she was careful in the sowing of the seed, in rows of 3x3.  She was also diligent in watering the seedlings when they sprouted not long after.

When all the seedlings showed about 2 pairs of leaves each, 8 of them were carefully removed (leaving the centre one in the existing container) and potted up in their own pots (used plastic disposable bowls for this, with some holes pricked for better drainage).

Chilli Seedlings
The plants grew fast with regular fertilizing and watering.  2 of them were potted into clay pots on 21 January 2010 while the other 7 plants were potted into plastic pots on 11 February 2010.  As those in the clay pots grew quite leggy, the top 2 pairs of leaves were removed tonight.  There were a few buds showing actually, but the Swallow wanted more leaves before flowers...if this was the wrong thing to do, well, there are still 7 plants left.

Transplanted Seedlings
Update on 23 February 2010 : This is what some of them look like (pictured below).  The ones in the clay pots are showing new shoots within days of the pruning. Yea!

Update on 23 February 2011 : A year on...see the Swallow's post on "Bearing Fruit" for an update...


Anonymous said...

Remember the song..."planting seeds is never fun, bend from morn till set of sun" so thankfully you don't need to bend so much since you have your chilli plants potted and i think the song is about padi planting! ;P
And what is most important is the outcome ie the final product...whether the chilli is spicy or not! haha ;P

jadeswallow said...

Will keep you posted whether the chilli is spicy, but this Swallow will be VERY satified if she can harvest the fruit of her labour..not spicy also doesn't matter!

jadeswallow said...

A year on...nope, the chillies produced thus far have not been spicy, although they add a touch of colour to food presentation...