Wednesday 17 February 2010

Sky's the Limit

All it takes is a nudge, a step, and the Swallow flies...

It took a few fishes from a fun fair to get a fish tank started...a pot of Portulaca (Japanese Rose) from a field trip to get the planting started...and several disasters in the kitchen to motivate an improvement in the gastronomic dimension...

Well, now the Swallow is flying in the blog dimension...all thanks to a few nudges here and there...where to put the 'tried-and-tested' recipes...where to put all the tips discovered along the flight of the Swallow...

So, here goes...up, up, and away!


jadecoral said...

All the best in the blogging section! Just like a swallow flying in the sky...let your mind sour and may your inspiration be limitless like the sky! Happy blogging! :)

jadeswallow said...

Hi Charlotte

Thank you for the the Swallow's mind will soar, not sour..


Anonymous said...

oops...i meant soar...and not apologies! ;P