Thursday 25 February 2010

An Introduction to Plants

The Swallow's first introduction to plants was while she was still a little Swallow. She was given a stem cutting of a Mother-in-Law's Tongue. She brought it home to her mother, who planted it. This plant is still thriving today under her hand.

A few years later, the Swallow tried planting some green bean seeds. She harvested the plant several times, then joyful with the fruit of her labour, moved on to planting a longan seed. The longan seed sprouted and grew about a foot tall. However, the plant couldn't survive the hot months when the Swallow was busy dealing with growing-up issues and left it uncared for.

A year back, the Swallow's young one brought a small potted plant home after a field trip to a nearby farm. Without a clue to its name or origin, and after many searches at the local library, in the Internet and even a bookshop, the Swallow finally found out that the plant was a Portulaca, also known as Japanese Rose in Singapore. By then, the Portulaca was in its last phase of life as it was actually infested with some insects, and too much TLC from the over-zealous Swallow and her young one.

That was all it took to start the Swallow on another journey to discover more about plants, and the place they have in the Lord God's creation.

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