Friday 2 April 2010

Fresh Meat vs. Frozen Meat

In the past, when refrigeration was not heard of, or it was too expensive to own a refrigerator, a popular method of preserving food was by adding either salt or sugar.  Nowadays, a refrigerator is a need in any household, and being a more health-conscious society, men prefer to go for fresh produce instead of preserved ones.

This holds true for fresh meat as opposed to frozen meat.  Many would laud the taste and texture of fresh meat.

However, the Swallow has a differing viewpoint.  She is of the opinion that there has been no proven fact that fresh meat tastes better or that its texture is indeed better than that of the frozen meat.  She had used frozen meat in many dishes and the meat had tasted delicious too.  It all depended on the recipe...

Besides its cheaper cost, when frozen meat is stored properly, it may actually be fresher than fresh meat which has usually been kept out for a longer period of time.  Many times too, these fresh meat may be packed in ice which gradually melts, more so when the temperature is generally high in countries like Singapore and Malaysia.  In both cases, it is better to buy the meat from reputable sellers, and check that the packaging is still intact.

Always ensure that there is no blood in the packaging of the frozen meat, as this would mean that the meat has started thawing.  If possible, store the frozen meat in a cooler bag for the trip home from the store; and place the meat in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator as soon as possible.  Frozen meat, when stored properly, can last for a much longer time than fresh meat.  If the frozen meat has started thawing, do not refreeze it.  Instead, place it in the refrigerator to complete the thawing process then cook it.

For frozen meat, always defrost the meat in the refrigerator the night before as this would minimize the breeding of bacteria.  This is the same theory as keeping fresh meat or marinated meat in the refrigerator until the moment it has to be cooked.

When the Swallow has planned her menu ahead, she would usually use frozen meat.  If on a last minute decision to cook meat for that night's menu, then a quick detour to the nearest supermarket for fresh meat would be what she would do.

In any case, as mentioned earlier, it all depends on the recipe...and the diner!

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