Thursday 8 April 2010

A Masterpiece

When the Swallow and her mate were new parents-to-be, they waited anxiously for the birth of their first young one, and they assuaged their anxiety in many ways. Some of these ways were
  • praying together - that they will be wise in training their young ones
  • reading up on the skills of parenting
  • getting ready baby stuff like clothes and toys from other families' children
  • washing the baby stuff as needed
  • buying baby stuff when necessary
  • registering for an antenatal class
  • attending the antenatal class
  • dating each other while they still could (!)
  • sleeping more (!!)
They were not spared either when they were no longer new to parenthood. They still had anxieties when the process of childbirth was repeated.  These were the times when they revisited the anxiety busters such as
  • more praying together - that they will be wise (and patient, and gracious, and strong in the Lord...endless list!) in training their young ones
  • more reading up on the skills of parenting
  • getting ready baby stuff from older sibling
  • washing the baby stuff as needed
  • buying more baby stuff when necessary
  • preparing the older young one for the new addition to the family
  • bringing out and revising their antenatal class notes
  • examining what they could have done differently...
1 Peter 5 : 6 - 7 (NIV)
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.  Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

When each of the young ones was finally and safely delivered, there was much joy, rejoicing and thanksgiving to the Lord for the birth of each young one was indeed a miracle from the Lord when they considered the many things that could have happened along the way.

Psalm 139 : 13 - 16 (NIV)
For you created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body,
All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.

Now the Swallow's young ones are older.  The young ones' births are memories of the past.  Yet as the Swallow and her mate look at their young ones, they stand in awe, anew, of the Lord God each day as they marvel at the provision of His wisdom, patience, grace and strength (and many more...) when they relied on Him, and Him alone, to bring up their young ones!

The Swallow remembers a picture of a small child, usually found on t-shirts in her younger days, which came with this phrase "Be patient, God is not finished with me yet", and the Swallow realises that indeed the Lord God is not finished with her young ones...just like a masterpiece that takes time to be formed by its creator, they are continually being moulded and formed into a masterpiece by the Lord God.

MASTERPIECE by Brent Alan Henderson, Craig Patty, Michael Patty & Gloria Gaither (sang by Sandi Patti)

Before you had a name or opened up your eyes
Or anyone could recognize your face
You were being formed, so delicate in size
Secluded in God's safe and hidden place
With your little tiny hands and little tiny feet
And little eyes that shimmer like a pearl
He breathe in you a song and to make it all complete
He brought the masterpiece into the world.

You are a masterpiece, a new creation He has formed
And you're soft and fresh as a snowy winter morn
And I'm so glad that God has given you to me
Little lamb of God, you are a masterpiece.

And now you're growing up, your life's a miracle
Every time I look at you, I stand in awe
Because I see in you a reflection of me
And you'll always be my little lamb of God
And as your life goes on each day
How I pray that you will see
Just how much your life has meant to me
And I'm so proud of you, what else is there to say
Just be the masterpiece He created you to be.

You are a masterpiece, a new creation He has formed
And you're soft and fresh as a snowy winter morn
And I'm so glad that God has given you to me
Little lamb of God, you are a masterpiece.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminders...indeed we need to commit all things to the Lord and continue to submit everything to Him in prayer! :)
Indeed our young ones are God's gift to us and each and everyone of them is a Masterpiece just like we are too!