Sunday 18 April 2010


Tamarind paste (top) &
Tamarind slice (bottom)
The tamarind tree is a tropical tree that yields an acidic fruit which resembles a bean pod and tastes sour.  Also known as assam, the fruit can be found either in the form of a paste (assam jawa) or as tamarind slices (assam gelugor / assam kulit / assam kulek).

Tamarind paste is dark brown in colour, and is usually sold in packages of plastic-wrapped blocks. The packages should be refrigerated once opened.

To obtain tamarind water, 25g tamarind paste is soaked in 300ml water.  The flavour of the tamarind is stronger when left to soak for a longer time.  For a more sour taste, increase the ratio of paste to water.  Lime or lemon juice may be used as substitutes, but the flavour will not be the same.

Tamarind paste or slices may be added as a flavouring to dishes which require a sour taste.

Assam Chicken is one dish that uses both tamarind paste as well as tamarind pieces.

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