Monday 12 July 2010

A Welcomed Break

The Swallow is back, after a long break which coincided with the Singapore school holidays in June.

It was a welcomed break.  A time when the Swallow did not need to wake up to the alarm clock (most days anyway).  A time to recharge not only the physical body but also to build up the spiritual body.  The Swallow took a 6-days trip up to Cameron Highlands, joining her local church for a time of refreshment and relaxation; yet spending time to look into God's Word, learning from each other, and encouraging each other to press on in the race they were running with heaven as their goal.

There was a 2-nights stopover at Ipoh prior to that trip, and another 2-nights stopover at Puchong, a little up-and-coming town off Kuala Lumpur after that.

The Swallow's young ones are settled back in school and the Swallow settled back to a life of routines; back to waking up while it is still dark outside; back to the daily chores that fill up the time when the family is not around; back to a time when the Swallow can be alone, and surrounded by silence to a certain extent (something not to be scoffed at when the young ones are still quite young); and back to a time when thoughts can be put in writing and not floating around and getting lost...

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