Friday 16 July 2010

Pineapple Salad

Of all the tropical fruits found in Singapore and Malaysia, the pineapple is the Swallow's favourite.

She remembers her younger days when her mother would patiently remove the 'eyes' from the pineapple, slice off the centre part then cut the rest of the pineapple into little triangles, to be cooked with some kind of meat.  Whenever the Swallow is around at such times, you can be sure some of these little triangles would end up in her mouth before the cooking started, and her mother would have had to ask the Swallow to leave the kitchen.

A wonderful way to eat the pineapple is by drizzling the cut fruit with some sweet shrimp sauce or dark soya sauce, then sprinkle with a little sugar and chopped chilli padi.  Yummy yum yum!

Canned pineapple rings or cubes is now easily available and it is a much-lauded alternative as it minimizes the time spent cutting the fruit as well as the problem of finding sweet and tasty pineapples.

Pineapple Salad is a recipe that uses canned pineapple rings / cubes.  It is a favourite of the Swallow's family, and is usually served as a side dish with Roasted Chicken.  The Swallow has served it at several BBQ gatherings.  The pineapple brings a tangy and sweet taste to counter the taste of the mayonnaise.
Pineapple Salad


  • 5 handfuls of pasta
  • 4 tbsp Miracle Whip or mayonnaise
  • 1 can pineapple rings / cubes
  • 8 slices of cooked ham
  • 1 can of button mushroom
  1. Cook the pasta according to the manufacturer's instructions.  Drain and mix with the Miracle Whip or mayonnaise.  Place in the refrigerator to keep cool.
  2. Drain the syrup from the can of pineapple rings (the syrup may be used in other recipes).  Cut the pineapple rings into bite-sized pieces.
  3. Dice the ham.
  4. Drain the water from the can of button mushrooms.  Toast the mushrooms in a toaster oven for about 10 minutes.  If the mushrooms are big, cut them into bite-sized pieces.
  5. Remove the cooled pasta mixture from the refrigerator.  Mix the pineapple, ham and button mushrooms with the pasta mixture.  Return the salad into the refrigerator.  Serve cold.

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