Wednesday 28 July 2010

A Mother's Love

The Swallow's mother was born today many years ago.  She is not perfect (but then who is?) but she has done a good job raising the Swallow and her siblings.  As a mother herself, the Swallow knows that raising children is always challenging, many times daunting and sometimes heartbreaking.

Thank you, Swallow's Mom, for bringing the Swallow up. For standing by her when she was overwhelmed with the pains of growing up.  For doing your best in being a mother, though the Swallow may not have fully understood all that you had to go through during those years when she was still in your nest.  For not quitting as a mother even though there may be many times when the actions of the Swallow and her siblings may have put that thought in your head.

Thank you, Swallow's Mom, for letting the Swallow go when the time was right.  For allowing her to follow the call of her Lord God.  For being a phone call away whenever the Swallow needed to hear a welcomed voice back home.

Thank you, Swallow's Mom, for opening up your heart to love the Swallow's mate and her young ones too.

The Swallow thanks her Lord God for you.  Happy Birthday, Swallow's Mom!

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