Sunday 28 March 2010


Recently, the Swallow's family concluded a series of devotion on the topic 'Peace', based on devotion guides from Walk Thru The Bible Ministries' Family Walk.  The key verse they had to memorize was -

Roman 12 : 18 (NIV)
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

It was an apt topic for the family to look into as the Swallow's young ones often get on each others' nerves, minded each others' business instead of their own, were quick to point out each others' faults, etc...

When the Swallow was younger, she had such a problem with her own siblings as well.  Now that she is older, this issue of peace should not be difficult as her siblings are in different parts of the world.  The Swallow's life should be peaceful (after taking the young ones' issues of peace out of the equation), right?

Not so!

Growing older peaceably, with friends and others around her, is still very much a challenge for the Swallow to meet.  The Swallow realises that as men grow older, it does not necessarily mean that men grow wiser as well.  Men that have absorbed and processed so much information may grow more opinionated and judgemental instead.

When others force their opinions on the Swallow, it is with much difficulty and even more humility to be able to maintain peace, to go to the extent of compromising for non-essential issues.  The Swallow is glad that the Lord God is the One who supplies her with much needed grace and humility at such times.  She will continue to hold on to this promise in His word -

Matthew 5 : 9 (NIV)
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.

The Swallow will also need to continue looking to the Lord God for His help in growing old graciously so that she will not be one of those who are opinionated and judgemental!

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