Wednesday 10 March 2010

Anna and the Rehearsal

Anna loved to sing, and she was given many opportunities to sing, be it alone in the bathroom or before a crowd.

One such opportunity came when there was a 3-day celebration to honour the King.  There would be a song item on each night.  Anna signed up to sing for two nights of the celebration.

Anna and her friends were delighted to sing for the King, so they put in many practices to train their voices and looked forward to the day of the celebration.

A few days before the celebration, there was a rehearsal.  Anna realised that all the song items would be given on the same night of rehearsal.  Anna was anxious.  "This is a rehearsal.  I must perform as if I am singing on the actual night.  I must wear the correct attire." she thought.

After the first song item, Anna quickly left the room and changed into the appropriate attire.  Alas, when Anna went back to the room, the second song item had begun and there was no way for her to join in.

"Where were you, Anna?" her friends asked her when the rehearsal was over.  "We thought we had seen you in the first song item.  Why were you not in the other song item as well?"

Anna was ashamed to admit that she had allowed vanity to come before her desire to honour the King with her voice.

From that day on, Anna strived to place importance on the things that truly mattered.

Read more of Anna's adventures

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