Monday 3 May 2010

Being Served a Special Meal

The Swallow enjoyed a special meal tonight.

The 3-course meal consisted of an appetizer (a twist to a simple Prawn Salad), a main course (Japanese Noodles with Shimeji Mushrooms), and a mocktail (a simplified version of Pussyfoot).
    Why was the meal special?

    L-R: Pussyfoot Mocktail, Prawn
    Salad, Japanese Noodles with
    Shimeji Mushrooms
    Three reasons. One, it was cooked by one of her young ones! Two, the young one had roped in his sibling as helper and the Swallow was very happy to find them working well together and having a good time producing the meal. Three, the young ones cleaned up after the cooking!!

    The Swallow and her mate are thankful to the Lord when they see the long way their young ones have come.

    Recently, one of the Swallow's young ones had a practical exam for the Food and Nutrition subject.  Based on a Japanese theme, the young one chose to create three courses for the exam.  Encouraged by his family and with a burst of confidence from the marks he received for the exam, the young one decided to make the same for his family tonight.

    The appetizer was a prawn salad.  The young one served the prawns with mayonaise and a dip of wasabi.  The prawns were cooked to perfection and were described as succulent by a friend who had the privilege of dining with the Swallow's family.  The wasabi dip was a good complement to the dish.

    The main course used Soba noodles, a popular type of noodles eaten by the Japanese.  Shimeiji mushrooms and miso paste were added into the dish to complete the Japanese theme.

    The mocktail, on its own, was not strictly Japanese-themed.  The young one mixed an iced drink which contained lime juice, lemon juice, and orange juice.  The young one placed a tiny decorative paper umbrella on the glass to meet the requirement.

    Overall, the meal was tasty and well received by his family and friends.  The Swallow and her mate are delighted with their young one who did a wonderful job at his first-time-cooking-a-complete-meal-without-adult-supervision.

    Well done!

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