Thursday 20 May 2010

Which is Which?

Recently, the Swallow made a basic Roasted Chicken using just salt and black pepper for the seasoning.  After a casual mention to a close friend that the job of coating the chicken would have been easier if she had a salt or pepper shaker, the Swallow found herself a recipient of a salt shaker and a pepper shaker from that same friend the following day!

Salt & Pepper Shakers
Proverbs 18 : 24b (NIV)
...but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Indeed, the Swallow is grateful to her Lord God for His gift of dear friends, more so as her own siblings are in various countries.

The Swallow was given a matching pair of white shakers, one with one hole and the other with two holes.  The gift was appreciated but the Swallow had a question...which was for the salt and which was for the pepper?

A trawl in the Internet did not help the Swallow much in her search for the answer.  There seemed to be several ideas raised, one of which was based on the cost of the condiment.  To save cost, the more expensive condiment would be placed in the one with fewer holes.  Another suggestion was to buy shakers that were marked 'S' or 'P' to save oneself from the headache!

To cut the long story short, the Swallow has decided to place salt in the shaker with one hole, and black pepper in the other with the simple reason being her family loves pepper and food that is low in salt.  Problem solved!

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