Tuesday 11 May 2010

Luo Han Guo Tea

Luo Han Guo, also known as Lor Hon Kuo in Cantonese, is lightweight, round and dark-brown (before drying, it is green). This dried fruit has a sweet taste and is easily available in Chinese medical shops.

Due to its cooling properties, it is very popular to drink Luo Han Guo Tea during the hot weather, which occurs frequently in Singapore and Malaysia.

It is very simple to make Luo Han Guo Tea.  No sugar is needed to sweeten the tea and this makes the tea suitable for diabetics.

LUO HAN GUO TEA (serves 3)
Luo Han Guo

  1. Wash and rinse luo han guo.  Crush them open.  Put everything into a pot.
  2. Add water and boil for 40 minutes.
  3. Strain and serve the tea.
  • The Luo Han Guo residue is good for a few more rounds of boiling, although the sweetness will be milder.  Re-boil as many rounds to personal taste.

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