Monday 2 August 2010

Biblical Leadership

"Leadership is not optional.  It is the ingredient essential to the success of any organization.  Take away leadership and confusion replaces vision." -- Charles Swindoll

"Leadership is influence, the ability of one person to influence other." -- J Oswald Sanders

"Whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all." -- Jesus (Mark 10 : 43 - 44, NKJV)

The spiritual leader must be "spiritual" first and a "leader" second.

At the first session of the course "Biblical Principles for Leading with Love", the topic of Biblical Leadership was dealt with.  The Swallow and her coursemates were given the task of identifying some differences between a natural leader and a spiritual leader by comparing the descriptions of Paul the Apostle, before and after his conversion, based on several bible passages.

Before his conversion, Paul was a natural leader.

Based on Galatians 1 : 13 - 14, Paul was seen as
  • active / on the go - he persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it
  • intelligent - he advanced in Judaism beyond many of his contemporaries in his own nation
  • legalistic - he was more exceedingly zealous for the traditions of his fathers
Based on Philippians 3 : 4 - 5, Paul's confidence was in himself, as he was
  • circumcised on the eighth day (an important tradition to the Jews)
  • of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews (a coursemate described it as pure-blooded)
  • a Pharisee (someone who would know the law)
Based on Philippians 3 : 6, Paul's goal in his life then was to be
  • zealous (persecuted the church)
  • blameless (righteous in following the law)
However, when Paul became a Christian, he became a spiritual leader.

Based on Galatians 1 : 15 - 16, Paul attributed his leadership abilities to the Lord God, for he says
  • it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb and called me through His grace
  • God revealed His Son to him, that he might preach Him among the Gentiles
Based on Philippians 3 : 7 - 8, Paul's confidence was in his Lord God,
  • the things that were gain to him, he counted loss for Christ
  • he counted all things as loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus his Lord
  • he suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that he might gain Christ
Based on Philippians 3 : 9 - 10, Paul's goal in his life was changed,
  • he wanted to be found in Jesus Christ
  • he wanted the righteousness which is from God by faith, through faith in Jesus Christ
  • he wanted to know Jesus Christ and the power of His resurrection
  • he wanted the fellowship of Christ's sufferings, and being conformed to Christ to His death
A coursemate shared a story of a lady who had a wonderful gift playing the piano.  After he heard her play, he went to the lady and complimented her on her ability.  He was surprised and encouraged when she shared that it was the Lord God who helped her each time she played.  For each time she played, she was nervous and she would experience cold sweat.  However, when she prayed and asked the Lord to see her through, her nervousness and cold sweat would disappear...

How wonderful it is when that lady's (the Swallow's and everyone else's) hope is in the Lord God.  He never fails, time and time again.  Praise be to His name!

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