Sunday 28 March 2010


In her post "Another Go At It" on 23 March 2010, the Swallow gave an account of her family's decision to rear guppies after the last of the tetras they were rearing died.  She is happy to report that the decision was not in vain...

On Friday night, the Swallow was looking at how the guppies quickly gobbled up the food they were fed when she noticed what she at first thought was a piece of food going in a direction opposing the flow of water.  Then she noted it was of a different colour.  On a closer look, she realised it was a fry!

As the family was leaving the house to go and watch one of her young ones at his first-time-playing-at-a-concert, there was no time to see more.  Upon their return, the family was quick to station themselves at the fish tank to have another look at the fry.  When they saw more than one fry, the family members took turns trying to count the number of fry.

It was not an easy task as several of the fry hid in the gravel ie between the small pebbles, some hid among the leaves of the Java ferns and the strands of the Flame moss, others hid under the big piece of driftwood and the coconut shells, while the rest hid near the pump, but the family managed to count more than 10 fry!!

These few days have been exciting ones as the young ones vied in a game, to see who could spot more fry.  Now, the family hopes that the fry will be given a chance to grow and not end up as fish food!


Jade Fern said...

Not to worry, as long as there are lots of places to hide, they will survive quite easily. In fact, there will come a day when you wished you had a bigger tank because there would be too many guppies - they are known to mate very often! hence, best to have a ratio of 3 females to 1 male...

jadeswallow said...

Initially, the Swallow's family wanted to get 1 male and 3 female guppies, but they ended up buying 2 males and 4 females. 1 male and 1 female have since died so it is now down to the desired ratio. There are about at least 6 fry left...