Sunday 13 February 2011

A Father's Care

The Swallow's father was a protective father, often exasperating her with his demands and actions during her childhood years.
Like the first time she had been allowed to attend a gathering at one of her friends' home.  The approval had come with a long list of dos and don'ts that hinted of a lack of trust which the Swallow felt she had not earned.

Like the time she had gone to a farewell dinner for one of her Sunday School classmates, and had had to hitch a ride from her teacher.  He had scolded that teacher, in front of a carload of students, for bringing her home beyond the curfew set for her, without making any allowances or hearing any explanations.

No, he was not a perfect father.

However, when he had submitted himself to the Lordship of Christ, he became a better father.

Over time, the long list of dos and don'ts had gotten shorter.  When the time came for the Swallow to leave Malaysia for Singapore, there wasn't even a list.  Only frequent long letters penned by a father who was more eloquent when writing than when talking.  Through the letters which brought news of home and family, the Swallow had felt loved and cared for.  The letters had brought solace to a lonely heart during her early years in Singapore.  Whenever he worried for the Swallow, he wrote or he prayed, trusting her to his Heavenly Father's care.

Most of the time, he had been there to fetch her home.  After late night social events so that she need not take the bus home on her own.  When she had to stay late in school for extracurricular activities, he had waited patiently for her at the school gate, sometimes falling asleep in the car while waiting for her to finish. Also, if she had made impulsive offers of a ride home for some of her friends, he would fetch these friends home, without making a fuss.

After the curfew incident, having cooled down the next day, he had also apologised to the teacher for his outburst.
Thank you, Swallow's dad, for showing the Swallow that the Lord God can change lives.  You trusted in Him and He helped you to leave a life that was filled with dreadful habits for a life that pleased Him instead.
Thank you, Swallow's dad, for doing your best to protect her during her growing up years, even though it had exasperated her time and time again.  Looking back with a mother's vision, she knows that you have tried to be a good father the only way you knew.
Thank you, Swallow's dad, for praying for her - when she was choosing a career; when she was choosing her mate.
Thank you, Swallow's dad, for being there for her - at the school gate; bringing her for her job interview in another state which entailed two nights of broken sleep in a swaying train.
Happy Birthday, Swallow's dad!  You have been and are a wonderful father, and grandfather.

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