Thursday 3 February 2011

Quiet Days

The Swallow is spending quiet days in her nest.  Ever since her mate's grandma passed away several years back, the family's round of CNY visitations to elderly relatives begin a couple of days into the new year, when these relatives have done their own round of visitations and are settled in their own homes waiting for younger members of the family to visit.

The traditional reunion dinner with her mate's extended family members, usually just before CNY, was brought forward this year and was held two weekends back.  For the Swallow's side, the family reunion was done in December when they returned to Malaysia around Christmas.  It was almost a daily affair as the family gathered over meals, shopping, bowling, and movies.  The young ones too had their fun catching up with a cousin, basically creating noise and sometimes havoc, either in her parents' or in one of her siblings' homes.  The family had their own reunion dinner last night, a simple home-cooked meal of chicken, fish, beancurd, vegetables and soup.

With CNY visitations yet to begin, and with reunion dinners all done, the Swallow's family has a couple of days free from rush.  Her mate has taken the opportunity to spend some back-to-nature time with one of her young ones, hoping to share some special time with him as he is growing up fast.  Meanwhile, the Swallow hopes to spend time with her other young one, doing stuff that had to be put off during school days eg craftwork and jigsaws.

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