Saturday 5 February 2011

Four Seasons

After several days of rain, the sun broke through the clouds this morning.  Even as the Swallow is writing this journal, she can feel a little warmth seeping into her nest.  For the past few nights, she had to use a blanket and the ceiling fan was turned off.  If one checks with her mate, this is a rare and sporadic occurrence.

Although Singapore does not have the common four seasons - winter, spring, summer and autumn, the Swallow would like to think it has its own four seasons...

When it is very cold and very wet ie lots of wind and lots of rain, the Swallow would think of winter.  These will be the months when the Swallow would snuggle under a blanket, outfit herself with long pants instead of shorts, and turn the fans off; when the plants require minimal or no watering; when the sun can hardly be seen or its heat, felt.

The Swallow thinks of spring when Chinese New Year (CNY) comes along.  These will be the months when the sun comes out from hiding among the clouds; when the flowers are out in bloom (ok, make that out in abundance at the shops); when new leaves and flower buds start showing themselves among the plants; when birds can be heard whistling among the trees.

Singapore's summer would be the months when it is very hot and very dry; when watering plants is a daily affair; when the swimming pools are crowded; when going out of the nest is a chore; when the air-conditioners are turned on every night; when temptations to turn on the air-conditioners in the days are daily struggles.

Autumn in some countries will bring with it a change of colour, from green to hues of red and orange.  However, in evergreen Singapore, the Swallow thinks of autumn when the rains come again after the very hot and very dry months; when the air-conditioners are used occasionally at nights or not at all; when examination fever is felt.

With the burst of sunshine through the clouds this morning, it seems like winter is officially over and spring is in the air.

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