Wednesday 9 February 2011

Home-Made Pizza

The Swallow's young ones love pizza!  Their craving for pizza is easily satisfied with just any type of pizza, whether store-bought or home-made.  Since the cost of making a pizza is actually not as high as what one is charged at the shops, the Swallow prefers to make her own pizza when it is just the family that's eating it.

Putting a pizza together is easy.  First, a base is required.  There are many types of pizza base - with milk; with yeast; without milk or yeast.  Bread can also be used as a base.

Then a sauce has to be spread on the pizza base.  Any kind of red, white or brown sauce may be used.  Just ensure that the sauce is not too runny.  Mayonaise or leftover sauces (thicken with a little cornflour solution, if needed) can also be used.  Sprinkle with some herbs or spices to get a unique flavour.

Next, add favourite toppings.  Be adventurous.  Anything goes.  Serious.

Some suggestions:
  • cheese, cheese & more cheese!
  • corned beef & large onions
  • Hawaiian Pizza (with ham & pineapples)
    Hawaiian Pizza
  • Japanese seaweed, crabsticks & bonito flakes
  • mushrooms, mushrooms & more mushrooms!!
  • Sausage Pizza (with pepperoni salami or other types of sausages)
    Sausage Pizza
Cheese is next.  Mozzarella cheese is a good choice to hold the pizza together, but any other cheese is fine. Alternatively, beat 1 - 2 eggs and pour over the toppings.  This works just as well.

Finally, bake the pizza in a toaster oven or an electronic oven (220 degrees Celcius), for about 15 minutes.  If the cheese starts to burn, cover with a piece of aluminium foil.

Making pizza at home is all about one's creativity and imagination...enjoy the process...with practice, the results may be better than what is served at the shops and for a lower price.  What's more, the young ones have fun too if they join in the process!

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