Thursday, 5 August 2010

Finding the Right Church

The Swallow had attended a church in central Malaysia since her primary school days.  Although she had moved with her family to attend another church a couple of years before leaving for Singapore, this was the church of her heart.  Whenever possible, she would revisit and spend time with the church family there.

When she knew that she was coming to Singapore for a few years, her first thought was to join a church which would have similar beliefs and practices.  But where to start looking for one, let alone finding one that she would be able to fit right in?

It was a step-by-step-of-faith situation.

After some prayer, and in a mood for doing some household chores, she came across a telephone directory printed by the church she had left.  A few pages from the back of the directory, the Swallow saw a list with names of churches in Singapore, with their addresses, which had similar beliefs and practices.  Praise the Lord who answers prayers!

Not being familiar with Singapore roads, the Swallow decided to choose the one that seemed to be situated along the same road as her home.  Although it was one that was at the bottom of the list, it was a start.  She decided to make use of the few days she had before Sunday to do some exploring as well as to check with some colleagues where that church was.

The Swallow's colleagues were quick to tell her that that road was a very long road, and based on its address, the church was actually located at a different end of the long road.  Travelling there from her home would have incurred extra time and costs, if the Swallow could manage to find the church at all!  It was back to the list and more exploring...

Trusting in her Lord to guide her, she continued her search for a church she could identify with.

A few days later, the Swallow cast her eyes out of the window in her bus journey to work and saw a medium-sized unassuming-looking building.  When she saw the name of that building, her heart leapt!  A little bell in her head rang.  Wasn't the name of that building on the list she had?

Getting through the rest of the work day was a blur.  When she reached home that evening, she rushed to take out the list she had.  There it was, right at the top of the list...Praise the Lord who answers prayers!

That weekend marked the beginning of a new church family.  It took the Swallow some time to make new friendships, but through it all the Lord was slowly, but surely, revealing His plans for the Swallow.

The Swallow has no regrets following the Lord.  If she continues to trust Him, He will show Himself faithful!

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